baby registry: A girl for Lea Salonga
Editor's Note: Published on page A2-1 of the April 10, 2006 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
FIVE WEEKS BEFORE THE BIG DAY, the would-be first-time mom proudly relayed the news to Inquirer Entertainment via e-mail: "It's going to be a girl. We checked at least three times just to make sure."
Although famous for her reticent ways, Lea Salonga, Filipina star of "Miss Saigon" in the West End and on Broadway, enthusiastically and generously shared this and so much more.
On previous TV interviews, she had said she was determined not to deliver by a C-section, stopping short of revealing the baby's gender.
Next month, her own little "Miss" will make a grand entrance.
Motherhood seems to have made Lea more gregarious and, as a bonus, a wee bit sentimental.
Two years ago, playing an expectant mom in Atlantis Production's staging of "Baby the Musical," Lea had sung "The Story Goes On" for the first time.
Back then, she said, the lyrics didn't resonate as powerfully with her as they do now.
Entertainment in December. "The last time I sang it was in Carnegie Hall (in November), with Liz Calloway, who starred in the original production. It's about a mom feeling her baby kick for the first time. It's hard not to cry with that song."
When are you due?
My due date is May 19, but the baby could arrive at any time two weeks before that. It's very exciting! We can't wait!
What are your thoughts?
The big questions on my mind are: Will I be able to take care of this little girl? Will I be a good mommy? What does God have in store for her? Am I doing enough for her now? There will always be something in me that asks those questions, [but I know] I can only do the best I can.
How are you preparing for the big day? Do you have a packed overnight bag on standby?
Nope, I don't have the bag ready yet. I've been checking baby websites to figure out exactly what I need to take to the hospital. I know that I'll need to bring a baby outfit to take her home in, hard candy, my own pajamas and slippers. I'm also going to bring my iPod, to help take my mind off the discomfort I will most assuredly be feeling, and my cellphone, to text my friends once she's born.
Do you conduct drills with your husband, mom and housemates? How often?
Oh no, we haven't done any of that. The hospital isn't far and my mother is constantly on standby. My husband has just been reminding me to eat healthy and eat light, as per my gynecologist's instructions. My mother has just been doing what a prospective grandma does: Brag about the baby... and she's not even here yet!
Have you decided on the color of the baby's room? What about the room dècor?
Since we're living in a rented house at the moment, we'll be keeping the room as it is. As for room dècor, we'll probably be doing more of that after she's born.
Are you having fun buying toys and shopping for baby clothes?
A lot of what I have was given as gifts from my baby registry, so we're just fine. I always visit the baby store though, to see if there's anything new.
You've said her second name would be Beverly (after your husband Rob Chien's mom); have you decided on a first name?
Yes, but because I know of people whose wonderful names were "stolen" by other people, I'm keeping our selection a secret for now.
Her second name is Beverly because we made that promise to his family when his mom died three years ago.
How much or how little weight have you gained?
As of today, I've gained close to 15 pounds. Not too bad!
What are your immediate plans after giving birth, professional and personal?
As far as my immediate plans are concerned, I would like to physically recover first before I do any concerts or shows. I want to give myself the chance to get my old body back and regain my strength for singing.
For personal plans, we'd just like to take the baby to Los Angeles, to meet family members, both on my and Rob's side. This is a very, very thrilling time!
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